I'd like recommend that film because all the people know who is Robin Hood. The personal values of Robin are those that we should have. He demmostrated us that we must fight for that you want.The name of this film is Robin Hood, prince of thieves.That film is directed by Kevin Reynolds and the writers are Pen Densham and John Watson. The setting was in the U.S.A. : It's about adventures that the principal character fight for the freedom with the outlaws. The main characters are Robin, Azeem, Marian, Sherrif of Nottingham, the King John, ...
The things We liked most are the wedding between Robin Hood and Marian, we like because is a romantic moment and it's the end of the film. The other moment we like is the fight between Robin and Sherif of Nottingham. This scene is very exiting because we want know who winns the fights.
By: Clàudia and Gemma